Most cat owners can spot when their feline friend is happy and healthy by the way it behaves. But how do you tell if your cat is stressed? The symptoms are usually easy to spot, but identifying the cause of stress isn’t always as straightforward. Here are 10 signs your cat is stressed, and what you can do about it right away.
1) Lack of appetite
If your cat isn’t eating or has lost interest in food, he could be stressed. Cats are hunters by nature. They’re meant to jump on moving objects, catch them with their claws and bring them down. If they can’t do that in your home environment because you don’t have enough birds or mice to play with them (or if they can but you don’t want to see what happens), they might become bored and seek entertainment elsewhere.
2) Body odor
As cats are masters of cleanliness, a smell that doesn’t seem to go away could be a sign that they’re stressed. Keeping your kitty’s litter box in an area where you spend time can help alleviate stress. If that isn’t enough, don’t hesitate to take them to their vet for further inspection.
3) Bad physical condition
Perhaps you’ve noticed your cat is looking a little flabby around his waist or doesn’t have as much energy as he used to. Chances are, he isn’t getting enough exercise. Cats need exercise just like we do—they like to stretch their muscles and get rid of some energy by climbing, jumping, playing with toys and chasing things. In fact, keeping your cat fit can reduce their risk of diabetes.
4) Excessive self-grooming
Grooming is a common response to stress in cats. Excessive grooming can lead to hair loss or skin lesions if a cat chews too much. When a cat grooms excessively, try to find out what’s causing stress.
5) Frequent urination
A cat’s stress level can affect how much water she drinks. Be sure to give your cat plenty of fresh water daily, especially if you think she may be stressed out.
6) Constipation
If your cat isn’t pooping regularly, there could be an underlying health issue at play. The most common reasons for constipation in cats are dehydration or a lack of fiber. Start giving your cat water more frequently and switch to a diet with more fiber such as canned pumpkin or peas to clear things up!
7) Vomiting
Did you know that your cat can tell when you’re stressed? Don’t believe us? Well, science says that cats can detect our stress levels based on tiny cortisol chemical particles we give off. So next time your cat vomits on your shoes, don’t be surprised. The little guy is just trying to communicate with you! Here are 10 other signs of stress in cats. Are they all directed at YOU?
8) Excessive vocalization (crying/meowing/hissing/screeching etc.)
It’s very common for stressed cats to express their unhappiness by meowing or howling. If your cat normally doesn’t make much noise and all of a sudden starts vocalizing excessively, something may be stressing him out.
9) Injury from fighting with other animals (i.e., other cats in the house or dogs outside)
Cats are highly territorial animals that do not get along well with others of their kind. If you own multiple cats or have recently acquired a new cat, things can quickly turn ugly if they fight. If you notice any injuries on your cat’s body (i.e., cuts or puncture wounds) that could be attributed to another animal; schedule an appointment with your vet right away! While most injuries heal on their own without medical intervention, some infections can require medication in order to prevent any further complications from occurring.
10) Marking behaviors (urinating on carpets, etc.)
You might think your kitty’s peeing on your carpet just to make you mad or ruin your rugs. But urine marking can also be a sign of stress in cats. If your cat has never had an issue with housebreaking before, or if you’ve recently brought a new pet into your home (even if it’s not a cat), then try taking away some of his food for 24 hours.